Is Online High School Right for My Student? | ICS Canada
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Is Online High School Right for My Student?

Posted by ICS Canada

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Though online and distance education high schools have grown over the last decade and gained more and more acceptance each year by traditional schools, it can be tough to decide whether or not your student would benefit from a non-traditional education. Not everyone is comfortable or suited to the routine and grind of a traditional high school experience and there are many reasons a parent may choose an alternate route. If you’re considering enrolling your student in an online high school program, take a look at some of the students who can benefit from an “out-of-the-box” education!

Students who struggle academically.
A traditional learning format isn’t for every student, especially those who may struggle with learning or attention issues. These students may often feel lost or unfocused when a teacher is covering a lesson and struggle to retain the information they learned. The benefit of many online high school programs is that there’s often the option to take each class and assignment on at the speed that works for the student. Being able to concentrate on one task at a time can prove helpful and, if a student struggles with a particular subject, they can go over the information at a much slower pace to ensure they get the most out of the class.

Students with social struggles.
Students who may have trouble getting along with their peers or students who are the unfortunate victims of bullying can often benefit from online education. This can also be beneficial for students who may suffer from anxiety or depression. It can be difficult to concentrate on your studies when other concerns are more pressing. Online high school can be a safe space for students to learn away from the day to day challenges they may be facing in school.

Families who travel frequently.
It can be hard to jump from school to school regularly for a child. Making new friends and picking up on new information can be difficult and disheartening. If your family travels often for work or other reasons, online high school can be a consistent education option for your children. They have the benefit of keeping up with their classes and schoolwork while still being able to participate in activities with the family.

Students who want to get a head start on their future.
Students don’t just want the benefits of online education because of issues or struggles they may face at a traditional school. If your student is motivated by their future goals and plans, they may feel bored or stifled working through their high school curriculum on someone else’s schedule. If a student knows what kind of work they want to do after graduation, the self-paced aspect of online education can be a plus! Instead of holding back to stay on pace with their peers, these students are able to move faster and reach their goals at a more accelerated pace.

Every student is different and so is every family. If you’re think your student may benefit from a self-paced online curriculum, researching accredited online high schools is the first step to discovering your options!

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