How to Succeed in Back to School Season
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How to Succeed in Back to School Season

Posted by ICS Canada

man leaning back in front of laptop.

Set yourself up for success this back to school season.

If you’re a current student, or just considering enrolling in an online program with ICS Canada, you may be wondering how you can make the most of your education and really crush it this back to school season. While there’s not technically a “back to school” time for online education since it’s something you can do around your schedule, it can be the perfect season to start a new program or renew your motivation to finish the one you’re working on now. Here are some tips, tricks, and resources to help you tackle your studies with confidence.

Set goals you can reach…and a few that are a stretch.

You’re taking — or considering taking — online courses for a reason. Your program fits your schedule and the affordable tuition makes it easy to tie into your monthly budget. But, sometimes, it can be tough to stay motivated to move forward in a self-paced program. If you have no deadlines to submit assignments and exams, putting them off for a day or two gets too easy. You may also feel overwhelmed by the amount of work ahead of you, making it tough to remember why you’re furthering your education in the first place. That’s where setting goals — both short and long-term — can help!

First, start with a few easy-to-reach goals. Break your classes down into smaller milestones that can correspond with a weekly goal. For example, your goal each week may be to finish two lessons and pass two exams. That seems a lot more doable than thinking about finishing the entire program as soon as possible. Even better, each time you reach your small goals will feel like a little win, boosting your confidence.

Second, set some bigger, long-term goals that might not be as easy to reach. Maybe you want to finish your program in four months instead of six, or you want to work on advancing your career while you’re studying. These goals are not impossible, but you know it might take a little more effort on your part. That’s a good thing! It gives you something to strive for and can keep you working through the smaller goals you’ve made on the way.

Need help organizing your goals or notes? There are apps for that!

Build strong study habits.

Though the amount of time it takes to make or break a habit is disputed, many studies estimate that it can take between 18 to 66 days. The sooner you start working on strengthening your study habits, the better! From the first day you enrol in your online course, have a study plan and stick to it. Getting into study mode from day one can help you start off on the right foot. So how can you make a habit of studying?

  1. Set time aside just for studying. You’ve got a busy schedule, but block off time that is just for studying each day and sit down and do it! Even if it’s only 20 minutes a day, that time adds up.

  2. Have a dedicated study space. Having a spot that is only for studying and nothing but studying can be helpful to get yourself into study mode when you’re just not feeling it.

  3. Make sure your family knows when your study time is. You want to spend time with your friends and family, but making sure you carve out dedicated study time is so important. Letting everyone know when they should expect you to be studying can prevent interruptions and procrastination.

  4. Keep it going. Even if you’re tired on one of your designated study days, try to push through as much as possible. If that means you study for 10 minutes instead of 20, that’s okay! At first, the most important thing is getting into the habit of doing it at all until it becomes part of your everyday routine.

If you have a friend or family member who is also taking an ICS Canada course, work together! Having a real-life study buddy can inspire you to stick to your study routines and goals.

Budget your time.

Time management is the key to success in most projects. You could be a genius, but if you don’t know how to manage your time you’ll miss out on opportunities to shine. Besides making study schedules and building study habits, understanding how much time you should give to each assignment, lesson, or project can help you reach your goals.

Learning how to balance your calendar and estimate how long it should take to do projects and complete assignments is a skill that can be beneficial in every area of your life, not just in school. Strengthening time management habits in school can make a positive impact later in your career.

Planning out a study schedule and sticking to it can make a difference, especially when it feels like you have no free time. But just like it’s important to reach your weekly goals and get in quality learning time, it’s important to know when to take a break, too. If you don’t take small breaks every now and then, your brain is going to be too tired to really absorb what you’re studying and you might even start to dislike a subject you were once passionate about. A break can be a five-minute walk to get fresh air, reading a chapter of a book you love, or even a nap. Whatever it is you need to come back to your studies and busy schedule refreshed and ready to go, do it!

Take advantage of self-paced online classes to reach your goals.

With your ICS Canada online courses, you can work around your schedule to prepare for a new career or to advance in your current company. Not sure how flexible classes and programs can work with your jam-packed schedule? Reach out to an Admissions Specialist today at 1.888.427.2400 for advice on getting started!

Categories: Student Life Balance

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