Online Electronics Technician Training

Why ICS Canada?

  • DEAC Accredited
  • Self-Paced
  • Supportive
  • Low monthly payments

Program Overview

Study basic electronic procedures, linear/digital technology, integrated circuit techniques, and much more in ICS Canada’s online Electronics Technician Training program. In this online program, you can take the first step toward a career in this field by learning how to install, repair, maintain, or even sell hi-tech electronic equipment — all in as little as five months.

Did you know that the average salary for electronic service technicians is $49,005?¹ At ICS Canada, you can study from the comfort of your own home and at a pace that's right for you.

Curriculum Details

Program Goal and Outcomes

Program Goal

The program provides students with the necessary skills for entry into the field of electronics. Upon completion of the course, students will be eligible to sit for the Electronics Technicians' Association International (ETA) Certification Exam.

Program Outcomes

Upon completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Identify the schematic symbols of several common electronic components and describe their functions; define terms used in electronics
  • Name several electrical shock hazards, and understand how to prevent electrical shocks through lockout-and-tag procedures, proper procedures, and personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Discern the various types of conductors and their conductivity; determine the size of conductor needed for an application; identify types of insulating materials and list their temperature ratings
  • Calculate voltage, resistance, and current in series, parallel, and series-parallel circuits
  • Understand how to use electronics equipment, including multimeters, soldering equipment, and ohmmeters
  • Read circuit diagrams, and analyze basic relay ladder diagrams
  • List the various switch types, their uses, and the advantages and disadvantages of each type
  • Identify many types of wires, cables, connectors, and terminals, and specify the applications for each type
  • Determine the expected resistance of a wire, and estimate the change in resistance that occurs with changing wire characteristics
  • Discern the differences among simple, compound, and closed magnetic circuits
  • Determine the direction of magnetic lines of force around a conductor
  • Calculate the total capacitance of a circuit; calculate the time constant of a resistance-capacitance (RC) or resistance-inductance (RL) circuit; calculate the total inductance of a circuit
  • Explain how inductors are constructed, and describe how an inductor can regulate the flow of current in a DC circuit
  • Describe how diodes and transistors work and how to determine if they're working properly; list uses for diodes and transistors in electronic systems
  • Recognize the job opportunities and certifications available to electronics technicians, and name the essential job skills needed
  • Explain how to test and diagnose electrical and electronic equipment using measuring and diagnostic devices, such as multimeters and oscilloscopes
  • Understand and explain inductive reactance, capacitive reactance, and reactance as applied to resonant and non-resonant circuits, determine circuit Q and bandwidth
  • Understand and explain pulse theory, including the generation of various waveforms, by relaxation oscillator, multivibrator, and switching circuits; describe and understand the Schmitt trigger, integrator, and differentiation circuits; explain how to troubleshoot these circuits
  • Explain electronic logic circuits, including common gates and flip-flop circuits, and the use of binary numbering systems to determine circuit output
  • Explain the use of NAND gates as universal devices
  • Describe the various transistor/diode/resistor logic circuits and logic chip families, and the uses, applications, and troubleshooting of common logic circuits
  • Explain the operating principles of linear and digital devices, including applications and considerations such as level matching, fan-in and fan-out, and selection of the appropriate device family
  • Describe how to use logic devices in industrial circuits
  • Understand and explain the function of memory integrated circuits
  • Demonstrate knowledge of troubleshooting the various integrated circuit systems
  • Perform experiments using the XK-200 Digital Trainer, which is designed for conducting hands-on experiments on linear, pulse, digital, and logic circuits
  • Describe industrial computer systems and their uses, including analog and digital computer systems
  • Identify the symbology for controller programs, including the symbols used to portray ladder logic, how to apply Boolean algebra principles, and how to use various computer languages to accomplish tasks from a broad overview
  • Describe computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM), including users, uses, and required hardware and software
  • Explain the concept of interfacing hardware; describe serial interfacing, parallel interfacing, and input-output categories
  • Understand analog-to-digital interfacing
  • Identify applications (closing the loop), such as making measurements, controlling machines, and controlling processes
  • Explain the basic interface standards, including RS232C

Instruction Set 1

Nature of Electricity


  • Explore what electricity is and how we use it.
  • Discover the many important fundamental concepts related to electricity.
  • Read about the dangers and benefits of static electricity.
  • Familiarize yourself with volts, amperes, ohms, and series and parallel circuits.
Electrical Components and Ohm’s Law


  • Identify problems due to dirt, corrosion or a discharged condition.
  • Discuss the kinds of instruments used for testing batteries.
  • Recognize how to prevent a possible explosion when batteries are being charges or discharges, especially at a high rate.
  • Describe how to draw simple schematic diagrams.
  • Identify basic schematic symbols.
  • State how to read the resistance values of color-coded resistors.
  • Determine how to use Ohm’s law to calculate voltage, current and resistance.
  • Recognize the danger that exists when working with capacitors.

Instruction Set 2

Basic Circuit Arrangements


  • Recognize series, parallel and series-parallel circuits when reading schematic diagrams.
  • Describe how to calculate total resistance, current and voltage drops in a series circuit.
  • Discuss how to reduce a series-parallel circuit to a simple circuit.
  • Determine voltage, current and resistance using Ohm’s law.
  • Distinguish between voltage and current.
Alternating Current


  • Calculate electric power, given the voltage and current.
  • Determine how to choose the proper type of bacle for different locations or uses.
  • Differentiate between power in kilowatts and electrical energy usage in kilowatt hours
  • Recommend the proper size outlet box for a known number of conductors.


  • Discuss why transformer cores are laminated (layered).
  • Determine the turns ration when the primary and secondary voltages or currents are known.
  • Describe how to connect three single-phase transformers for three-phase operation.
  • Calculate the line current (if the phase current is known) in delta connected transformers.
  • State the principle of operation of an autotransformer.
  • Discuss the factors affecting inductance and capacitance and the reactance they cause.
Inductance and Capacitance


  • Describe the effects of inductive and capacitive reactance in alternating current circuits.
  • Distinguish between the various types of inductors and capacitors.
  • Recognize the effects of resistance, inductance and capacitance in alternating circuits.
A-C Circuits


  • Determine how to draw an a-c voltage wave.
  • State how an a-c voltage is generated.
  • Discuss what a cycle of alternating current is using the terms “alternation”, “peek”, “positive” and “negative”.

Instruction Set 3

Troubleshooting with Basic Meters


  • Identify the various types of multimeters.
  • Determine how to calculate the values of multipliers and shunts.
  • Describe purpose and function of multipliers and shunts.
  • Define the basic principles of frequency measurement.
  • List the uses of various test equipment accessories.

Instruction Set 4

Digital Test Equipment


  • Cite the loading effect upon test measurements.
  • Differentiate between a digital display and an analog display.
  • Determine how to calculate the value of a shunt to extend the range of an ammeter.
  • Identify the various types of bridge circuits.
  • State the purpose of a spectrum analyzer.
Semiconductor Switching Devices


  • Discuss the various types and construction of resistors, capacitors, inductors and transformers.
  • Identify polarity marking for capacitors.
  • Discuss how to select the correct type of diode for a particular application.
  • Recognize how to calculate UJT timing characteristics.
  • Describe how to select proper semiconductor switching devices for a particular application.

Instruction Set 5

Rectifiers and Power Supplies


  • Identify the basic types of electronic rectifiers.
  • List the advantages of various rectifier connections.
  • Discuss the operation of power-supply filters.


  • Indicate the advantages of the various classes of transistor amplifier operations.
  • State how to show the proper polarity for NPN and PNP transistor connections.
  • Determine how to calculate the gain of an amplifier circuit.
Modulation and Detection Circuits


  • Recognize the various forms of modulation.
  • Determine the frequencies that result from combining or mixing two signals.
  • Describe how to calculate the bandwidth of both AM and FM signals.
  • Cite the various types of demodulation circuits, and the functions of the various circuit components.
  • Discuss the applications of modulation and detector circuits.
Switching Circuits


  • Identify the feedback components of a typical oscillator circuit.
  • Discuss the principle differences between the various oscillator circuits
  • Describe how to calculate the resonant frequency of an oscillator circuit.
  • Detail the effects of temperature on crystal-controlled oscillators.
  • State the various applications of oscillator circuits.
Gating and Counting Circuits


  • Identify the output conditions for various gate circuits.
  • Determine how transistors are used as logic gates.
  • Detail the operation of multivibrators and flip-flops.
  • Outline the advantages and disadvantages of various logic families.
  • Describe the application of Boolean algebra to logic circuitry.
Pulse and Digital Circuits


  • State how to sketch several types of pulses and point out those dimensions or characteristics of pulses that are of particular interest in electronic circuits and systems.
  • Discuss the relationship of time constants to pulseforming circuits.
  • Identify the different types of output waveforms obtained from integrating circuits and differentiating circuits when pulses are applied to their inputs.
Audio and R-F Circuits


  • Describe the tone frequencies used in control systems, including sub-audible, in-band and out-of-band frequencies.
  • State how pushbutton dialing can be used in industrial systems.
  • Detail the virtues of AM (amplitude-modulated, FM (frequency-modulated) and SSB (single-side-band) transmission.
Oscillators, Feedback and Generators


  • Determine how an oscillator works.
  • Identify the basic oscillator circuits.
  • Discuss how feedback is obtained in an oscillator.
  • Recognize waveforms.
  • Describe the various transducers used to transform mechanical responses into electric signals.
  • Determine the output voltage from various power supplies.
  • State the purpose of a voltage divider network in a power supply.
  • Discuss how to calculate the percentage of voltage regulation.
Electronic Power Supply Systems


  • Cite the basic operation and application of a d-c to a-c conversion equipment.
  • Recognize how to select the proper type of battery for a particular application.
  • Identify the basic parts and functions of radio transceivers and video systems.
  • Discuss the various frequency bands available to industries, including bands where a license is required and those where no license is required.
Servo and Control systems


  • Detail the functions of the various components of a servo system.
  • Discuss the overall operations of servo systems.
  • Describe the common applications of servo systems.
  • Determine the use of various electronic circuits in servo applications.
  • State how to calculate the gain of servo systems.

Instruction Set 6

Resonant Circuits


  • Discuss how voltage, current and resistance are determined, using ohm’s law.
  • Recognize the different types of resistors, capacitors and inductors used in industrial systems.
  • Determine how to calculate resistance, current, capacitance and inductance in electronic circuits.
Applications of Resonant Circuits


  • Detail how resistors, capacitors and inductors work in d-c circuits.
  • State how to calculate time relationship in circuits.
  • Describe the reactance of a capacitor or inductor in and a-c circuit.
  • Discuss how to calculate the impedance of parallel and series RLC (resistive-inductive-capacitive) circuits.
  • Determine how to find the phase angle between the voltage and current in parallel RC (resistive-capacitive) and RL (resistive-inductive) circuits and in RLC circuits.
Pulse Techniques


  • Recognize how to measure pulse width and settling time.
  • Determine pulse repetition rate from the period of a pulse waveform.
Pulse Generators


  • Determine the voltage across a charging or discharging capacitor at any instant of time.
  • Discuss the relationship between time-constant and interfacing or differentiating circuits.
  • State why the Schmitt trigger is important in the study of pulse circuits.
Waveshaping Circuits


  • Distinguish between a clipper and a limiter.
  • Recognize a baseline stabilizer capable of stabilizing to zero volts.
  • Describe how to limit a waveform to some value other than zero volts.
  • Identify a sawmaker circuit.
Timing and Synchronization


  • Describe how timers are used in spot welders.
  • List other applications of timers
  • State how counters are used for timing.
  • Distinguish between 555 and 3905 IC timers.
Pulse Circuit Applications


  • Determine the on period for a 555 monostable multivibrator circuit.
  • Describe how a 555 timer can be used in an astable multivibrator circuit.
  • Discuss how pulses are used for measuring both voltage and capacity.
  • State how switching regulators work in power-supply systems.
Troubleshooting Pulse Circuits


  • List the characteristics of pulses to be tested.
  • Distinguish between the troubleshooting of pulse circuits with that of other systems.
  • Determine which part of digital and pulse circuits to test first in quick troubleshooting procedures.

Instruction Set 7

Logic Circuit Fundamentals


  • Define terms commonly used in electronic logic.
  • Identify the symbols of electronic logic in system diagrams.
  • Describe the simple logic circuits used in industrial machinery.
  • Determine how to draw simple logic diagrams and interpret those that others have drafted.
  • Name the logic circuits that use discrete components.
Introduction to Number Systems


  • Explain the binary numbering used by computers and digital electronics equipment.
  • Understand hexadecimal notation as is used in machine-language programs.
  • Recognize octal numbers, and know how they’re used.
  • Count in binary, octal, and hexadecimal numbers.
  • Perform simple calculations in all four number systems.
Logic Devices and Diagrams


  • Describe how to draw diagrams that conform to a desired logic function.
  • Define Boolean variables, terms and expressions.
  • State how to trace logic circuitry through gates, whether they are discrete or parts of ICs.
  • Determine how to simplify logic circuitry through Karnaugh mapping.
Logic Families


  • Define the major families of digital logic ICs.
  • Identify a logic family from its operating parameters.
  • Describe IC packaging for logic components.
Applications of Logic Circuits


  • Discuss the functions of digital circuits composed of simple logic gates.
  • Determine how to design a simple binary ladder for digital-to-analog conversion.
  • Recognize the diagram symbols for various types of flip-flops.
  • Describe how logic registers perform arithmetic operations.
Troubleshooting Logic Circuits


  • Identify expected logic levels by measuring d-c supply voltages.
  • List key specifications for logic circuit test equipment.
  • Describe the fundamental operations of a logic analyzer.
  • Determine how to replace MOS devices without damage to them or to the system equipment.

Instruction Set 8

Linear and Digital Circuit Principles


  • Study rectification.
  • Learn how different types of power supplies work, and learn some of the important troubleshooting techniques that are used to keep them in operation.
  • Read about how to determine the current in a diode circuit.
  • Understand how power supply components are selected.
  • Explore alternate methods that can be used to determine the current in a circuit.
Integrated Circuit Techniques


  • Name the materials and processes used in IC fabrication.
  • List the purposes of the materials and processes used in IC fabrication.
  • Discuss typical applications for digital and linear technologies.
Linear Integrated Circuits


  • Recognize the concepts of sensing and process control with linear ICs.
  • Identify diagrams for common linear devices and functions.
  • Define the words analog and linear as they apply to industrial electronics.
  • List several kinds of analog IC amplifiers.
  • State how to follow the operation of a phase-locked-loop IC.
Digital Integrated Circuits


  • Describe how to diagrams for digital IC devices and functions.
  • Distinguish which kinds of latches or flip-flops an advanced IC uses.
  • Differentiate between a shift register and a port register.
  • Discuss the difference between bus drivers and display drivers.
Integrated Circuit Logic Systems


  • Determine how to interpret full-scale schematic diagrams for industrial equipment.
  • Describe the kinds of buses used for industrial digital systems.
  • Discuss which digital systems relate to specific operations.
Troubleshooting Linear and Digital IC Systems


  • Recognize how to approach troubleshooting with a systems outlook.
  • Describe how to verify inputs to linear and digital sections and subsystems.
  • Identify IC and connector socket pins for troubleshooting.
  • Determine how to analyze oscilloscope waveforms in linear IC stages.

Instruction Set 9

Computer Fundamentals


  • Describe some of the limitations of early industrial computers.
  • Discuss ow analog computers evolved and why their popularity has waned.
  • Differentiate the ways analog and digital computers are used.
  • Name the different types of industrial computer displays.
Digital and Analog Systems


  • Recognize commonly used analog computer diagram symbols.
  • Discuss the fundamental principles of digital computing systems.
  • Describe the functioning of open and closed loops.
  • List several types of proportional-control arrangements.
Software and Programming


  • Define the term software.
  • Describe those industrial systems that need software.
  • List some of the sources of industrial software.
  • Recognize the standard symbols used in industrial control diagrams.
  • Determine how to use ladder logic, machine and assembly language, and BASIC.
Computer-Aided Control Systems


  • Describe the equipment needed for computer-aided graphics.
  • Recognize CAD/CAM software.
  • Cite applications for computer-aided design and drafting (CADD).
Interfacing Principles


  • List the services that interface devices perform.
  • Describe the nature of serial and parallel data movements.
  • Discuss methods for converting analog data to digital data.
  • Determine how to draw an ordinary analog/digital control loop.
  • Identify the components of an ordinary analog/digital control loop.
  • Describe the parity method of checking data transfers for errors.

Computer Specifications
As you know this is an online academic program. This means you will need access to high-speed internet to begin your program. In addition, you will need access to a Microsoft® Windows® based computer running Windows 10® or later or an Apple® Mac® computer running macOS® or later, and an email account to complete your program.

We reserve the right to change program content and materials when it becomes necessary.
In order to further enhance your performance in this field, ICS has researched and recommended specific practical activities designed to complement your course work.
Every province/territory has its own apprenticeship requirements in certain trade and technical areas. In a particular field, it may be necessary for the graduate to complete an apprenticeship before he/she is qualified to practice in their field.
To ensure that you acquire the manual skills which are important in this program area, we encourage you to follow all of the course instructions.
Electronics Workbench is a registered trademark of Interactive Image Technologies, Ltd. in the United States of America and/or other jurisdictions.

Sample Lesson

To view an Electronics Technician sample lesson, click here.

Electronics Technician Training Details

In ICS Canada’s Electronics Technician training program you’ll cover topics such as:

  • The tools of the trade, like different types of electronic circuits: amplifiers, oscillators, and power supplies
  • Resonant circuits, electronic sensors, and audio and RF circuits
  • How to repair or replace defective parts, such as motors, fuses, or gaskets
  • How to reassemble and test equipment after repairs²
Online electronics technician program

Electronics technicians maintain and replace a variety of electronics in computers, entertainment, and broadcast equipment. Here are a few qualities that effective electronics technicians have in common:

  • Detail oriented: It’s important to have a sharp eye and check things twice.
  • Cooperative: You are pleasant, receptive, and work well with others.
  • Honest: Your work requires integrity and a good sense of ethics.
  • Persistent: Your job requires focus and determination in the face of obstacles.

"I chose to further my education and accounting knowledge with ICS Canada while working as an accounting clerk, which allowed me to move up within the company at which I am currently working. Studying with ICS Canada was a great experience, and the instructors were very helpful when it came to resolving any issues I had while studying."

- Sean S., ICS Canada graduate

"I have taken three diploma courses with ICS Canada. It has been very rewarding and challenging. I love to increase my knowledge level and share experiences. ICS Canada is great. Enrol! The contact with them is always very pleasant. You feel like a part of the ICS team."

- Connie K., ICS Canada graduate

Your program includes:

  • Customized payment plans with 0% interest
  • Learning aids, including electronics practice kits, digital multimeter, digital training lab with three parts kits, soldering iron and desoldering pump
  • Study Planner App to customize your study plans and keep track of your progress
  • Instructional support from our experienced faculty
  • Your personalized online student homepage and learning portal
  • Exclusive access to ICS Canada’s Student and Alumni Facebook Group
  • Additional resources such as our online library and career guidance from Career Cruising

Does ICS Canada offer career services to its students?

Yes, students have access to career services through Career Cruising as soon as they are enrolled with ICS Canada. Career Cruising offers students with tips on setting up a career portfolio, learning assessments to find the right job fit, and employment guides with interview do’s and don’ts, resume writing tips and more.

More FAQs >

¹ Salary statistics are as reported by the Labour Force Survey for 2012-2013 and are based on the average median salary for all Canadian provinces. These statistics are not a guarantee of post-graduation salary or job outlook because these statistics are general averages, and don’t take into account other employment factors and can vary by specific geographic location.

² In order to further enhance your performance in this field, ICS Canada has researched and recommended specific practical activities designed to complement your coursework. To ensure that you acquire the manual skills which are important in this program area, we encourage you to follow all of the course instruction.