More and more, we’re coming to rely on the internet for everything. Many of us would be lost without a wifi connection and a smartphone. Being constantly connected to the internet allows us to keep an eye on our bank accounts, update our information regularly, and be aware of what’s going on in the world. Accessing online classwork is the same: at your fingertips when you’re on the go. But, is online education right for you?
There are thousands of accredited online schools operating worldwide. Even many traditional, brick and mortar universities such as Harvard or the University of Leicester in England provide distance education options. Online education is being accepted more and more each passing year - but this acceptance doesn’t necessarily mean you should immediately enrol in a program. Consider, first, your ultimate goal, completion time, and then research some of the advantages provided to you by online schools.
- Are you often busy? Would it be a struggle to find time in your schedule for classes at a local university or trade school? If so, then pursuing online classes may be an option for you. One of the best advantages of online schools is the convenience and flexibility offered to adult students. Materials are accessible online whenever you log in, so you don’t have to wait for a lecture or a book in the library to become available to complete a class. You can also create your own schedule, essentially deciding when and where you complete your coursework. This could be after work, during your daily commute, or while enjoying breakfast.
- Do you have a firm budget? If you need to stick to a firm monthly budget for your finances, paying off student loans or large payment plan amounts can take its toll. One benefit of online education is that it is often more affordable. Many online schools offer reasonable monthly payments that won’t stretch your budget.
- Are you self-motivated? A big difference between traditional education and online education is that, often, you don’t have a person to act as a taskmaster. You are responsible for completing your work, without hard deadlines and no one watching over your shoulder. You still have access to instructors for assistance when work on online programs, but nobody will keep you going forward but yourself. If you’re a person who prefers to work on your own time and like to push yourself to meet your own deadlines, online education would be a good fit for you!
As online education continues to gain more acceptance, there are more opportunities to advance in your career without sacrificing time from work or family. You can complete a certification or degree around your day-to-day life. In fact, many employers use online schools to train or certify employees in different fields. If you find that online education is for you, you can research and find a programyou’re interested in and get started right away!