You Should Purge These Words From Professional Emails | ICS
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You Should Purge These Words From Professional Emails

Posted by ICS Canada

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When we send a professional email, we want to make sure we include all the necessary information and we want to sound smart. This can lead to lengthy, wordy, messy emails that look more unprofessional than smart or helpful. The goal is to keep our emails as brief and concise as possible. Here are a few words and phrases to delete when you’re drafting an important email!

Words that make you sound unsure or unreliable. When emailing with a coworker, a client, or your boss you want to sound confident and sure of yourself without being arrogant. If you read what you write, you often hear it in your tone of voice; while it may sound strong to you, your boss made read it as waffling. Avoid words and phrases like: sort of, kind of, maybe, might, perhaps. Cutting these words from a sentence can completely change your email!

Words that add nothing to your email. There are several words and phrases that we all sprinkle through our emails and notes that are more habit than actually necessary. Adverbs like: actually, basically, really, very, seriously aren’t adding any value to your sentences most of the time. Depending on the subject of the email, they can also sound a bit whiny and you don’t want your boss or coworkers to associate you with complaining! For example:

I really did get that done yesterday. You seriously haven’t seen it?

If you got that email, wouldn’t you assume the person who sent it is making excuses or putting the blame on someone else? Just removing a couple words completely changes the tone:

I got that done yesterday. You haven’t seen it?

Sounds a lot more professional, right?

Actually. This word, added to the beginning of a sentence, can sound sarcastic or as if you were making excuses. But don’t worry! This one is easy to remove when you’re editing your email! If you start any sentences or end any sentences with actually just delete it. Your email will sound much more professional.

The best policy when writing a professional email is to keep it straightforward and simple. Like with writing a paper for class, you also want to make sure you proofread! That way, if a stray word wanders into your sentence, you’ll be sure to catch and delete it!

Words to Purge From Your Emails | Grammarly

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