How can you be your loved one’s caregiver?
No one ever likes to think that a family member or friend will not be able to take care of themselves on their own. The people you love will obviously be independent, young, and healthy forever, right? Unfortunately, poor health, common diseases, and even old age can make it tough for a formerly independent person to get around. When that happens, you may be given the task of caring for your sick friend or relative without notice. You’re overwhelmed and unprepared, worried that you may miss some important step in their care and make things worse. That’s a normal feeling, especially when things are just thrown at you. But you can take steps to develop a deeper understanding of what you should know as a caregiver with ICS Canada. Here’s how our new Personal Caregiver Skills Program can help you prepare to build you confidence in caring for your loved ones.
Learn more about the healthcare system.
The healthcare system can be complicated and confusing to navigate, especially when you’re trying to do so for another person. Understanding the different professional roles and how they’ll work with you, as well as the different privacy laws and paperwork you’ll encounter can make getting medical care a slightly smoother process.
Strengthen your communication skills.
Being able to express how you feel can be tough and it can feel even harder for people who have to rely on others for their care. Learning how to empathize with your impaired loved one while also understanding what they need can make the care process much smoother for both of you. When you first step into a caregiver role, without previous experience or training, the struggle to make sure neither of you gets frustrated is real and strengthening your communication skills can make a big difference.
Grow your medical vocabulary.
As your loved one’s caregiver, you’ll find yourself attending appointments with them, taking notes, and speaking with doctors, nurses, and more about their medical needs. When medical professionals are explaining what’s going on in terms that you’re not familiar with, you may leave their office not knowing what you need to do. Learning the language of medical terminology can help you feel as prepared as possible before and after every appointment.
Gain confidence in your abilities.
When you’re caring for someone you love, you’re worried about doing your best for them. You’re afraid you’ll mess something up or misunderstand a doctor’s orders. By learning personal caregiver skills, you can take the first step toward gaining confidence in your ability to make sure your loved one is well-cared for. Being more effective as a caregiver can also help free-up your time and improve your mental health! ICS Canada’s online, flexible, and affordable Personal Caregiver program can help you learn how to help the people in your life, all around your schedule. Reach out to an Admissions Specialist to learn more at 1.888.427.2400!