Michael Savich

Instructor, Business Management

Michael Savich has been an instructor with ICS Canada for 24 years. He has also worked in the field of media content-analysis, and as a freelance writer. Michael is a Fellow in the Guild of Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Accountants.

What is one piece of advice you’d like to give students?
Be eclectic and don’t stop learning! You are on a life-long journey; learn to adapt your knowledge to fit opportunities and don’t focus too narrowly on one direction. Each career field is a manifold of possibilities.

What made you decide to become an educator at ICS?
Once I started at the school I became thoroughly impressed by the dedication of our students –putting themselves through a self-study program and, at the same time, balancing a myriad of other obligations. Given this feeling, I am delighted whenever I can make a contribution to their ability to achieve their goals and improve their lives.

What are some of your interests?
I enjoy Tai Chi, reading, shopping, restaurants, major league baseball, movies, and jazz. I especially like to do landscape gardening!

Share something your students wouldn’t otherwise know about you.
I’m the worst photographer in the world; my shots either leave out people’s feet or faces!



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