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Student Life Blog - Tips & Guidance for ICS Canada Students

4 Results for Tag networking

painting palette and paint brushes
When you’ve got a schedule jam-packed with work, family responsibilities, and dealing with everyday life, using any free time to pursue a hobby seems like a waste. While it’s true that finding balance in your life may include sacrificing the non-urgent stuff, a hobby doesn’t have to be one of them. In fact, getting creative and learning new crafts can have a positive impact on your personal and work life! Here’s how.
mindfulness sign
If you’ve spent any time scrolling through social media or searching for study and relaxation tips online, you’ve probably run across articles on something called “mindfulness.” It’s a popular topic for everyone from self-care gurus to educators, but what is mindfulness and how can it help you as an online student?
night sky with stars
There’s a lot to be excited about in the new year! You’ve got a fresh start and a new opportunity to tackle your goals. Whether you’re looking to start a new career or finish school, the year ahead is full of endless possibilities. Start preparing for your future with our 2019 horoscopes.
Working together
As an online learner, you’re a pro at keeping yourself motivated. Your independence is one of the best things about you, but with some support from your friends, family, teachers, and coworkers, your ability to succeed can skyrocket!

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